Compering, what is now popularly known as Anchoring, is a special art. The compere needs to be knowledgeable, humble, assertive without being aggressive, quick thinker and most importantly, be the catalyst in propelling the proceedings forward without being too noticeable.

I don't know how many of these qualities I possess, but I had a very successful tenure as a compere of different music / poetry based programs for many years.

It was a time when I used to compere nearly 12 music programs. Till date I have compered the musical concerts of Pt. Bhimsen Joshi, Suresh Wadkar, Shridhar Phadke, Padmaja Phenani, Kavita krushnamurti, Ravindra Sathe, Aparna Sant..

I was awarded The King of Compere Award in Thane in 1995.